Guru Gobind Singh Biography, Networth, Personal Detail, Life, Death And More

Guru Gobind Singh Biography

Guru Gobind Singh Biography Guru Gobind Singh was born in Patna, Bihar (born 22 December 1666—died 7 October 1708). He was a spiritual Guru, warrior, poet & a philosopher. He was the only son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru, and Mata Gujri. His father Guru Teg Bahadur was publically decapitate in Delhi on 11 November 1675 under the orders of Muslim emperor Aurangzeb for decline to convert to Islam.

Guru Gobind Singh Biography

Guru Gobind Singh attained proficiency in numerous languages like Urdu, Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian, Braj Bhasha & Gurmukhi (script). He was provide with an exceptional sharp intellect to understand the dissimilar scriptures of Hinduism like the ‘Puranas’ and the ‘Bhagavad Gita.

Guru Gobind Singh Biography Overview

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Personal Life of Guru Gobind Singh

Guru Gobind Singh had three spouses. He wedded Mata Jito on June 21, 1677, at Basanthgarh. Together they had three children, specifically Jujhar Singh, Zorawar Singh, and Fateh Singh. On April 4, 1684, he wedded his subsequent spouse, Mata Sundari with whom he had a child called Ajit Singh. On April 15, 1700, he wedded his third spouse, Mata Sahib Devan. She assumed a significant part in advancing Sikhism and was declared as Mother of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh.

Guru Gobind Singh Biography

Guru Gobind Singh and the Khalsa

Guru Gobind Singh made the Khalsa which is viewed as his most prominent accomplishment. One morning after contemplation d Guru Gobind Singh requested that the Sikhs collect at Anandpur on Vaisakhi.

Forfeit Their Life

The Guru with a sword in his grasp called for volunteers who are prepared to forfeit their life.

Who is Daya Slam?

One Sikh named Daya Slam approached on the third call. Guru Gobind Singh took him in a tent and following a couple of moments returned alone with blood trickling from his sword.

Weapons & Horse Riding

Guru Gobind Singh became an adept in the usage of weapons & horse riding at an early age. He had versatile attentiveness and he learnt to play musical instruments also.

Hymns And Shabads

Hymns and Shabads were sung to the backing of tabla and harmonium by the assembly of Sangat in his presence.

Primary Khalsa In The Sikh Custom

He proceeded with this interaction with four additional workers however after the fifth worker went inside the tent, Guru Gobind Singh Ji emerged with every one of the five workers who were safe. Guru Gobind Singh Ji favored the five workers and called them the Panj Pyare or the five adored ones and reported them as the primary Khalsa in the Sikh custom.

Test The Confidence Of Individuals

He did this to test the confidence of individuals. Guru Gobind Singh then, at that point, arranged Amrit(nectar ) for the workers.

Total Team

The five workers then, at that point, got the nectar from Guru Gobind Singh subsequent to presenting the Adi Granth. The family name of Singh was given to them by Guru Gobind Singh.

Personal Details

  • Guru Gobind Singh Original Nam- Gobind Rāi
  • Guru Gobind Singh Date of Birth- January 5, 1666
  • Death Date- October 7, 1708
  • Place of Death- Hazur Sahib, Nanded, India
  • Age(at the Time of Death): 42

Guru Gobind Singh and the Five K’s

Guru Gobind Singh order the Sikh to wear five items all the time which incorporate Kesh, Kangha, Kara, Kachera, and Kirpan. The Khalsa warriors had to follow a code of control that was introduced by Guru Gobind Singh.

KS Symbolizes Person

The oath towards the five Ks symbolizes the person’s full and undivided dedication and devotion to the Supreme. He forbid them from doing adultery, fornication, eating tobacco & the consumption of halal meat.

Limited Function

Each of these five k’s has a limited function particular to themselves. For instance, The kanga is utilized to comb the long hair, the most commonly distinguishable trait of a Sikh. Another such example is that of the kirpan, used by the Sikhs to keep safe the oppressed.

Symbolic Function

But, on a much deeper note, these five k’s also go on to carry out a much more symbolic function. For instance, the uncut hair, symbolized by the kanga, tip towards the natural state of human beings.

Kirpan Symbolizes

Whereas, the kirpan symbolizes one’s full surrender of the ego to his Guru. It is said to be the sword of knowledge that cuts the extending far down roots of the person’s ego by his/her complete submission to the One.

Renouncing of Delusion And Practicing Universal Love

Kara, on the other hand, suggests the renouncing of delusion and practicing universal love. The circular geometry of the kara also symbolizes the eternal nature of God.

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Conflict between the Sikhs and the Islamic Empire

The conflict between the Sikhs and the Islamic Empire thereafter carry on with. After his father’s martyrdom, the young Gobind Rai later known as Gobind Singh was put as the tenth Sikh Guru on 29 March 1676.


He was at that time of a tender age of nine years & a few months. The education of Guru Gobind Singh continued after he suit the tenth Guru, both in reading & writing, as well as in martial arts such as horse riding & archery.

Guru Gobind Singh and the Sikh Scriptures

The fifth Sikh Guru , Guru Arjan accumulated Sikh sacred text by the name of Adi Granth. It contained the psalms of the past Guru and many holy people. Adi Granth was subsequently extended as Guru Granth Sahib.

Saloks & Dohra

Guru Gobind Singh in 1706 delivered a second release of the strict sacred writing with the expansion of one salok, dohra mahala nine ang, and every one of the 115 songs of his dad Guru Tegh Bahadur.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib

The interpretation was currently called Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib was created by every one of the past Guru and furthermore contained the practices and the lessons of Indian holy people like Kabir and so forth.

Guru Gobind Singh’s Death

After the second clash of Anandpur in 1704, Guru Gobind Singh and his devotees remained at better places. After the passing of Aurangzeb in 1707, the authority replacement to the Mughal domain, Bahadur Shah needed to meet Guru Gobind Singh face to face and accommodate with him close to the Deccan area of India.

The Godavari Waterway

Guru Gobind Singh set up camp on the banks of the Godavari waterway where two afghans by the name of Jamshed Khan and Wasil Ask enter the camp and Jamshed Khan cut Guru Gobind Singh.

Guru fought Back And killed Jamshed Khan

The Guru fought back and killed Jamshed Khan while Wasil Ask was killed by the Sikh watchmen. On October 7, 1708, Guru Gobind Singh died as the last Sikh Guru.

Announcement by Guru Teg Bahadur

It is said that Guru Tegh Bahadur requested his child to proclaim, “We will assemble cliques and networks that will provoke domineering rulers to reestablish equity, equity and harmony.” After this declaration, Guru Tegh Bahadur acknowledged the suffering.

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Ques & Ans Related to Guru Gobind Singh Biography

What is the story of death of Guru Gobind Singh?

The Guru fought back and killed the assassin, while the assassin’s companion was killed by the Sikh guards as he tried to escape. The Guru died of his wounds a few days later on 7 October 1708. His death fuelled a long and bitter war of the Sikhs with the Mughals.

What do you know about the life of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

Guru Gobind Singh was a man of great intellectual attainments. He was a linguist familiar with Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit as well as his native Punjabi. He further codified Sikh law, wrote martial poetry and music, and was the reputed author of the Sikh work called the Dasam Granth (“Tenth Volume”).

What happened on 29 December in Sikhism?

Forty (chali) liberated ones (mukte), is how a band of 40 brave Sikhs who laid down their lives fighting near the dhab or lake of Khidrana, also called Isharsar, on 29 December 1705 against a Mughal force pursuing Guru Gobind Singh are remembered in Sikh history and daily in the Sikh ardas or supplicatory prayer.

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