Purnima October Date and Time 2023, History, Celebration & Important

Purnima October Date and Time 2023

Purnima October Date and Time 2023 Purnima is regard by many Hindus as a holy day conscientiously for devotion and fasting. The next Purnima, or full moon in October 2023, falls on Saturday, October 28. On October 28, the lunar blotting out will begin 01:06 AM on October 28 to 02:22 AM on October 28.

Purnima October Date and Time 2023

Purnima & many other religions, notably Hinduism, have special significance for Purnima. The moon cycle is heavily focus attention on in the Hindu lunar calendar & Purnima is seen as being particularly lucky for devotion and keeping religious responsibilities. There will be a Purnima date & time are as follow. The day of the full moon is known as Purnima or Poornima in North India. the day of the full moon is known as Pournami or Pournima in South India & those who fast on this day are known as Pournami Vratam. Pournami Vratam is commemorate from sunrise until the moon rises. The days of the Pournami Fast might swap depending on where you are. Therefore, one should ascertain the location before noting Pournami Vratham dates.

History & Festival on Purnima

There are a few stories that might be utilized to date the recognition of Master Purnima. As indicated by yogic custom, Ruler Shiva imparted his insight to humankind and laid down a good foundation for himself as the primary perceived educator on this day. The introduction of Ved Vyasa, who showed antiquated Vedic insight to his four devotees, is the subsequent notable legend.

Sharad Purnima

To notice the full moon on Sharad Purnima, Hindus regularly go through the night outside while performing standard ceremonies like singing, moving, and offering milk, rice, and unique desserts to the moon as a noble gesture and dedication. Many individuals notice a quick, remain up the entire evening, and polish off extraordinary milk and rice dishes on Sharad Purnima, particularly women. On Sharad Purnima, kheer is a conventional sweet that is ready and afterward set out in the twilight for the whole night to be filled in as bazar.

Purnima October Date and Time 2023

How many types of Purnima?

The Hindu community in India observes the biggest and fullest moon of the year, Sharad Purnima. It is thought that on this night, when the moon is adorable & highlights the Earth, Lakshmi falls blessing followers perform rituals in her honor while others observe Purnima vrat.

Amazing facts about Purnima

The festival of Purnima, also known as Vyasa Purnima, is loyal to Ved Vyasa, who is thought to have been born on this day, sometime around the year 3000 B.C. He also calm the Mahabharata, which is the world’s long epic.

  • Because it is believe that gurus are the intermediary between disciples & immortality, Guru Purnima is observe.
  • The day is among the most favorable ones to remember Vyasa & the Sikh Gurus.
  • The day signifies the beginning of the Chaturmas season.
  • It is a day of thanksgiving when followers express gratefulness to gurus for coming into their lives and sharing their incredible wisdom and energy
  • Hindus communicate gratitude to their gurus for endowing them with extremely thorough historical texts such as the Vedas, Puranas, Srimad-Bhagavata, Mahabharata, etc.
  • The renowned saint Vyasa, who is consider as the Guru of Gurus, was the one who really taught Dattatreya.
  • Farmers put a lot of time into hoping for a strong rainfall on this day so that their crops will be true & new.
  • In order to show respect on this specific day, the morning ritual incorporate washing the footwear with the insignia of their own guru.
  • This is then follow by songs & recitations to height the atmosphere’s dedication.

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Importance of Sharad Purnima

The Purnima is regularly allude to as a collect festival. It happens in the pre-winter when the fields are spilling over with delicious harvests. Ranchers view today as a chance to cheer in their abundance and express their appreciation to the divine beings for a guard crop.

  • Consecration to the Moon God- The Sharad Purnima full moon is thought to be the year’s bright & most stunning moon. The moon rises with all sixteen Kalas (virtues) on this day, supposedly the only time all year.
  • The Lord Krishna Myth- In the Brij area, Sharad Purnima is sites to the romantic myth that on this night, Lord Krishna played the heavenly flute & drew the gopis (milkmaids) to dance with him.


The purnima tithi is starting from 4:17 AM on 28 October 2023 and it will end at 01:53 AM on 29 October 2023. Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of money, happiness, and prosperity so at this day people worship Goddess for the wealth of their family and to remove the financial obstacles from their lives.

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Ques & Ans Related to Purnima October Date and Time 2023

Is tomorrow Purnima 2023?

For many Hindus, Purnima is a spiritual day set aside for fasting and worship. Next Purnima, ie., Full moon in October, 2023 is on October 28, Saturday.

Is Purnima full moon?

In Hinduism the full moon is know as Purnima. And the Purnima is celebrate as an auspicious day.

Is Purnima a good day?

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